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  1. PistolPete1307

    Took a trip for a 2 night stay at Padre Balli Park to test out my rigs road trip worthiness and...

    Took a trip for a 2 night stay at Padre Balli Park to test out my rigs road trip worthiness and to test out some gear. Little window rattle and started to lose a trim piece off the fender. Nothing a little duct tape couldn't fix. Also made a list of things I wish I had and started developing a plan.
  2. PistolPete1307

    Member Number? Upgrade Your Account! Read

    Signed up to be a member #23907 !! However the app isn't recognizing me as a member. Anything else I need to do?
  3. PistolPete1307


    Hello everyone! My name is Mitch and I'm super excited to be getting into all this. I turned 31 today (starting to feel old) and bought a 2015 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk KL yesterday. I plan to get out and explore nature more with my son James who is almost 2 years old. He has shown immense...