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  1. Drew Toner

    Slide out kitchen for pickup bed

    So, I found the cheap ones manufactured somewhere else for $32 cdn, and the US Cargo Control ones for $102 cdn, on Amazon! And from the manufacturer, was only $23 us, so I'll check out the cheap ones! Drew
  2. Drew Toner

    Slide out kitchen for pickup bed

    Well I was going to order some, but the $143 shipping to Alberta Canada, was a bit steep!! Can you believe that? Drew
  3. Drew Toner

    Slide out kitchen for pickup bed

    Hello Travis91, those bed mounts are pretty cool! Could be useful for securing all kinds of stuff. Where did you find them, and what is the brand name? Very nice kitchen btw, I'll do a similar project for my new ranger, when ever I finally get it!! Drew