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  1. NothernTaco91

    Rig Photos

    Because Canada
  2. NothernTaco91

    Camp Photos!

    Northern Ontario :smiley:
  3. NothernTaco91

    Show me a Road Sign.....really any sign...

    End of serviced road :grinning:
  4. NothernTaco91

    I call her Cindy

    Thanks guys! It's definitely been a fun truck so far!
  5. NothernTaco91

    I call her Cindy

    Hey there Overland Bound community! I’m new-ish here, but I’ve been hanging around the forum for a while! Thought I’d throw my build up here! I’m still in university, so between saving up for parts and paying tuition it’s been a bit of a slow process, but here’s where she’s at today! I call her...
  6. NothernTaco91

    Rig Photos

    Rolling around North Bay