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    Just saw your video on rally point for the covid, great video! I dont see anyone needing help...

    Just saw your video on rally point for the covid, great video! I dont see anyone needing help but if there is someone who needs help traveling long distance in the US, I maybe able to help. I work for Southwest Airlines and am willing to give a ticket to someone who needs to travel in the US...
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    Toyota shop recommendations Denver Area?

    Mostly general maintenance. I unfortunately don't have anywhere to work on the fj and my tools are back in Oregon. The FJ runs but definitely was not kept in proper shape by its former owner :(
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    Toyota shop recommendations Denver Area?

    Anyone know of a good toyoata repair shop in the Denver area ? Or even better one that specializes in FJ80s? New to the scene and my new to me Yota could use some helpings
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    Hi! I'm Sean Location: Brighton, Colorado Current Vehicle: 1992 FJ80 Experience: Lots of backpacking, hiking, and tent camping over the years. Owned a few jeeps and trucks over the years for some offroading but never done any overlanding per say. But have enjoyed Overlound Bound's Youtube for...