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  1. S

    The TAT

    I did the TAT 3 years ago in a lifted/locked Nissan Xterra from Tennessee to Salida, Colorado. It was a great time, lots of great people on the route. If you see the Morehead Farm in Oklahoma stop and see if anyones around the large garage/barn. 4 generations and amazingly friendly. Camped on...
  2. S

    Thoughts for the next build... (Family Build)

    Your post is timely- I have an fj and after extensive travels this summer decided we need something larger. Pretty much have settled on a first gen tundra double cab , shell. Maybe RTT?
  3. S

    Trans America Trail Trip 2018

    In for a great adventure!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. S

    trailspinTV's 6 Weeks on the TAT

    This is a trip I did last year as far as Moab. Although clearly you have put a great deal of planning in this, probably more than I did, I will try to briefly make a few comments. this is a beautiful and really awesome adventure. The nature of the trip really depends on The weather/rain. When...
  5. S

    Overland Bound headed to FJ Summit!

    Couldn’t help but wonder when you said it was chaotic and filled up within 10 minutes of registration opening \ i tried to register at 12:04 and was waitlisted?? So how did that happen ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk