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  1. alanyd


    Hey everyone. I shoot with whatever I happen to have available on me which is usually my iPhone but if it’s a dedicated photo trip, then it’s currently my Canon EOS R. Here’s some photos from my iPhone, Canon EOS 70D and my EOS R.
  2. alanyd


    Thanks! Yes we feel very fortunate to have access to the areas we do have and try to head into the mountains as often as possible. The RTT has been a great addition. We travel with a 9 y/o and 3 dogs so having that space has helped a lot. We took Michael’s advice and waiting for a set of...
  3. alanyd

    Overland Hound

    My travel partner, Molly. She’s definitely a camping pup. Loves to go out and always looks to jump into her crate in the back of the rig (even just to go run around town doing errands). She’s a rescue we adopted 4 years ago. Not too sure on the age (guessing she’s around 8 now) or breed but...
  4. alanyd


    Hello everyone! My family and I are from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We’re relatively new to the “overland” scene. We’ve wheeled off and on over the years but now just getting into vehicular based travel/camping and have been enjoying it and venturing out in the Canadian Rockies area. We’re...