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  1. R

    US Rocky Mountain Rigs & Brunch in Grand Junction

    Matthew, I’m interested in coming down there with my wife. I’m a little confused on what the location is. My 4 x 4 just gave out and I have to take it into the shop to get it fixed. So I won’t be going on any trails, but I don’t think that was the intent on this event. I haven’t even opened this...
  2. R

    vehicle mounted heat exchanger for shower.

    What’s the longest you’ve ever stored water in it?
  3. R

    vehicle mounted heat exchanger for shower.

    Thanks soooo much. I’m VERY interested. Was about to pull mine out. I don’t know the type of aluminum, just that they made it. When we took our first drinks and gagged on the flavor that was the only reasonable answer I could find. Chris at UJOR did great on so many things. The rack and...
  4. R

    vehicle mounted heat exchanger for shower.

    Thanks for replying. U joint Offroad made an aluminum water tank for me, we filled it up, drank out of it the next day, and it had a horrible taste. I thought it might be that… But, I would love to know if yours has an odd taste or not if you’re willing to give it a try. Ours looked normal...
  5. R

    vehicle mounted heat exchanger for shower.
