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  1. C


    I am a retired 71 yr old grandmother living in San Jose, CA who loves being in nature, camping and hiking. I am uncomfortable solo camping on ground with human and animals roaming so just got a Tepui Ayer on my 2006 Honda CRV. I borrowed a RTT from a friend of my son's and went on a solo...
  2. C

    I have a Tepui Ayer mounted on Yakima roof rack which puts the bottom of tent at 6 ft off...

    I have a Tepui Ayer mounted on Yakima roof rack which puts the bottom of tent at 6 ft off ground. I am 5'8 and 71 with not so good overhead arm strength. I went on first trip this w/e and struggled to get tent closed as some one parked too close to me to fully extend ladder to close. Am I...