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  1. ADVrider76

    Cancelled - Ignore Test - 05/23/2018

    If i was in town i would have swung by, thanks for the invite. Have a great trip.
  2. ADVrider76

    New Mexico Overlanders

    I’m down in Truth or Consequences if you guys make it down here again. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  3. ADVrider76

    New Mexico Overlanders

    There were only about 12 this trip without counting the mud puddles. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  4. ADVrider76

    New Mexico Overlanders

    It was a nice day and I really didn't want to work so I decided to run Chloride Canyon today and check on the condition of it. Looks good still, no washouts or anything. Just a pleasant Sunday trip. Little water in the road but honestly its dryer then it was last time I ran it. Sent from my...
  5. ADVrider76

    New Mexico Overlanders

    It was easy the last year at the event but the year before it was a mess and pretty hard with the ledges. Easy on a dirt bike but it would take skill with a truck. Just depends on what the county has done to it. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  6. ADVrider76

    New Mexico Overlanders

    Chloride canyon is great. Not very hard, can be done in a stock 4x4 last time I was up it. I will be scouting it soon for an upcoming dual sport motorcycle ride we are hosting in TorC in October. I'll post back when I get up there and see what kind of condition it's in. Sent from my iPhone...
  7. ADVrider76

    New Mexico Overlanders

    I am in T or C. I have been wanting to do more exploring in the Gila myself. The enchanted rockies trail looks interesting as well, might have too look into that as too. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk