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  1. E

    Anyone using APRS?

    I can only give you an example of what I use and how I use it. I use APRS to let my family and friends know what I am up to and doing. I use the setup for navigating (with BackCountry Navigator with GPX trails, APRSdroid for positioning and messaging). I have a Kenwood TM-D701A in my 2014 Jeep...
  2. E

    Anyone using APRS?

    I forgot about that, so I looked into that option again. I do have to say that it is not as user friendly but I will see if I can get it going, need to cure my curiosity now. The reason I use Backcountry Navigator Pro is so I can see position updates along with the GPX of the trails I am doing...
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    HAM Radio Call Sign Check-In Thread

    Checking in, K7GX Mobile - IC-7000, Little TarHeel II; D710 full APRS station; NX-5700 (Work Truck) Home - Flex5000, Windom @ 35' Portable - F6A, NX-5200 (work radio) 73 Everyone
  4. E

    Anyone using APRS?

    I also use APRS in my travels, when I remember to hook up my tablet. I use a D710 with a NUVI 350 and GTRANS cable (old method, still use once in a while) or with a Samsung TAB2 8 inch with a Mobilinkd bluetooth TNC. I use APRSdroid with Backcountry Navigator Pro for the display. Backcountry...
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    Hello everyone, This is Bryan from eastern Utah, driving offroad is normally a given in this area. I mainly did rougher trails and rocks with my prior vehicle (2000 Jeep XJ, 6 inches of lift, 35" tires, etc.). I got tires of doing this now and I am getting into longer overland trips. I am now...