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  1. TreyJK

    What are the absolute best mud tires?

    But seriously, I think you need to explain your needs in a little more detail. Any MT is going to deliver more traction than AT's. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. TreyJK

    Legal Weapons and Overlanding

    Has anyone picked up Springfield's new SAINT AR-15? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. TreyJK

    Jeep Owners Represent!

    Decided to take a REALLY scenic route from Red River, NM to Great Sand Dune Nat'l Park today. I love driving on these old and forgotten roads.
  4. TreyJK

    Legal Weapons and Overlanding

    Just out of curiosity, what would that rifle built specifically for outdoor traveling look like? I'm thinking about building my first AR soon.
  5. TreyJK

    What kind of Overlander are you? Poll Question

    I think a mixture of both is the best. Off-road parks get a little boring IMO, but just driving normal roads can get boring too. My ideal trip would be moderate wheeling with awesome sights. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. TreyJK

    Jeep Owners Represent!

    I had a ton of fun on the infamous K Trail in SE Oklahoma Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. TreyJK

    2013 JKUR

    Disney, OK has many different types of off roading (not really over landing) as it sits below a large dam spillway, creating steep hill climbs above a moon rock surface. The Wichita "mountains" area near Lawton is very pretty IMHO, and the Kiamichi "mountains" near Ouachita Nat'l forest is also...
  8. TreyJK

    Welding on a late model vehicle

    Disconnect the battery and you should be good to go. At least, that's what I've done when welding on my '08 wrangler. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. TreyJK

    2013 JKUR

    If you go near Oklahoma City, be sure to swing by Pop's on Route 66 near Arcadia, OK. When do you plan on going through OK? Unbeknownst to most of the country, there's actually some interesting sights out here in Indian Country! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. TreyJK

    Jeep Owners Represent!

    I'll still wave at you
  11. TreyJK

    Jeep Owners Represent!

    My '08 JKU Sport named Emily. She's getting some miles on her but brings me everywhere I want to go! I couldn't imagine driving anything else Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. TreyJK

    1971 Toyota Land Cruiser

    Beautiful FJ, I've been following your page on Instagram and look forward to more photos! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. TreyJK


    I would definitely spring for a diesel if they were cheaper! I just can't justify the price and everything that goes into the conversion kit. I've always had dreams of dropping a SB350, carburetor, and gutting out all of the electronics, now that would be fun! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. TreyJK


    Thanks, I appreciate it! I'll have to check your build out soon, and yes, the slow but steady 3.8! Its been good to me so far (95k miles), hopefully it'll last until 200k but when this engine/tranny dies, I'm just going to replace it with another set! I plan to keep this vehicle for life!
  15. TreyJK


    Definitely! I just started following you on Instagram, awesome truck! I've been thinking of getting a Taco as a secondary vehicle in a few years and yours makes me want to buy one sooner rather than later!
  16. TreyJK


    Hey everyone, I'm from Eastern Oklahoma and I drive a 2008 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited that I've slowly been building up since it was new. I would say I'm intermediate on the overland scale, I try to get day trips in at least twice a month. However, long Colorado trips are by far my favorite! I'm...