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  1. M

    Ting box electronic?

    Blue seas makes really good quality products.
  2. M

    Overland Trailers

    His reply was awfully West Coast of him. Obviously geography of the United States wasn't his strong suit.
  3. M

    Overland Trailers

    Sorry for the rotated pics. Not sure why it's like that.
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    Overland Trailers

    Working on a DIY trailer that I've added an aluminium box to. I got a great deal on a 3" c channel frame with 35's and a SOA already done. Got rid of the original plywood walls. Plans are fenders that will be both protection and storage. My trips will be more camping than overlanding, and the...
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    WRO Trailer/James Baroud

    So, is this a For Sale post, or a looky what i have post?
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    Max Coupler Question

    Have you contacted them at all?
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    Tie down & Bungee storage no longer a mess!

    Snd you'll always have something you can use to hold those frosty cold adult beverages once you've got there.
  8. M

    Repairing fiberglass shell of RTT?

    You're just fiberglassing the exterior?
  9. M

    Starting our trailer project.

    Looks like a great start.
  10. M

    Off road trailer build.

    Looking forward to seeing the creative way you fit it into you garage. I didn't take pics, but a buddy brought his in by putting wheel casters under each of the 4 corners jacks. Then took the wheels and tires off. I laughed when I first saw it, but it was in the garage.
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    CDN M101 in Vegas

    Love seeing these older threads.
  12. M

    RTT Trailer Build

    [emoji23][emoji1787][emoji23][emoji1787][emoji23] Everytime I open this post, that first picture... The trailer looks like it's on fire with the sunset (?) Lighting on the building. Everytime!
  13. M

    RTT Trailer Build

    I always thought it made sense to keep the fridge in the truck just for that reason.
  14. M

    U joint style hitch

    Probly overthinking this, but isnt a u-joint strong for rotational things. Not push-pull?
  15. M

    DIY-Low Cost Swing Down Hitch Mount Spare Tire Rack

    Ahhh. Yeah, the shank adapter is what I got. For me, the tire carrier wont work. I have a Dodge Raider, that I'm running 37's on. I will just make the tire carrier part out of some thick 2" square tubing and some 3/8" plate steel.
  16. M

    DIY-Low Cost Swing Down Hitch Mount Spare Tire Rack

    I just got one off Amazon last week. Have you checked there?
  17. M

    Dog crate molle rack

    What's the metal look like without the pouches on it?
  18. M

    Any rock light reviews.

    Like Kevin108 above, I got some off Ebay, but mine are a 4 led light. I've been running them for a couple years. Run some under the hood, and as rock lights. Sorry, don't have links for them though. They work pretty well, and hanging out the door they work great.
  19. M

    4 Wheeling with my Off-Road Aerotow Trailer

    That's some great stuff with the kids. What kind of drone are you using?
  20. M

    Expedition trailer - for sale

    That's a great price, that should go quick.