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  1. WildcatOvrlndr

    Indiana Members, check in here.

    We are right around the corner from each other!! I look forward to meeting you one day.
  2. WildcatOvrlndr

    Indiana Members, check in here.

    Checking in from Jeffersonville, little older than most, 47 married for 28. I have 3 adult children, no grand kids yet. I have a 94 yj that I am building and I am going to pair it with a trailer soon. Looking to start getting out close to get my wife involved.
  3. WildcatOvrlndr

    Overland GPS on a budget

    So if my tablet uses a cell signal then I should not need a GPS device? I just want to make sure I am reading this correctly.
  4. WildcatOvrlndr


    Hello all Picture is my avatar I currently live in Jeffersonville, IN My Rig is a 94 Jeep Wrangler (going to build a trailer to go along with it) My experience is Mediocre working on Experienced! Looking forward to getting involved in the community!