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  1. Flygeoguy51

    Completed Long Canyon Trail, El Dorado NF. Maintenance and clean up

    That's a big bummer. It really was a stick, no thicker than my arm. Just such a fluke. He has my sympathies, that is a tough bill.
  2. Flygeoguy51

    Completed Long Canyon Trail, El Dorado NF. Maintenance and clean up

    I was behind them and I ran over the same stick in my 4runner and it thumped the underside of my rig. The stick was perpendicular across the trail and my front passenger tire ran over the far right edge of the stick. This caused it to jump up into the middle of my rig. I'd guess he did the same...
  3. Flygeoguy51

    Lift as much as needed but, as little as possible.

    Lift as much as needed but, as little as possible.
  4. Flygeoguy51

    Completed Long Canyon Trail, El Dorado NF. Maintenance and clean up

    Thanks for the hard work! I am happy to hear that the JK was able to be fixed and get down the hill. I really hope no permanent damage came to his transmission. I was in the 86 4runner behind you folks. I wish I could have offered more help! Thanks again for the hard work cleaning things up...