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  1. J

    Event Cancelled - Edmonton Alberta Meetup in Elk Island Park August 27-30 - 08/27/2018

    Ill come. Is this for the long weekend? Check in check out when? Any trails planned?
  2. J

    Overlander introduction 1957 Willys MB, 2014 JK

    I am 30yr old, but very old school, and am starting to find out these forums. Own 1. 1957 Willys MB Jeep 2 dr (stock), Diesel swap in 1987 (3.5 Liter international tractor engine), total clogged km = 690000 km (odo stopped working after that). Now painted new dark green. 2. 2014 Jeep JK 2Dr...
  3. J

    Overland Kelowna area?

    Did you end up planning something here? Have a GPX file?