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  1. interscope8

    Trans WI/ MI Adventure Planning

    Hello Everyone! Fairly new member here, do a lot of reading and lurking, not much posting. I'm trying to plan out a trip for the Trans-Wisconsin Adventure Trail leading into a trip through the Upper Peninsula, then down the Lower back to sweet home Indiana. I have a KML of the TWAT, and...
  2. interscope8

    Dueling Batteries: A dual setup on my 07 LX...

    Excellent info here, going to have to pick up that BlueSea box for my 2nd battery install when I get to that!
  3. interscope8

    Heyo! I finally got registered on here! Coming to the MWO Badlands trip in a couple weeks?

    Heyo! I finally got registered on here! Coming to the MWO Badlands trip in a couple weeks?
  4. interscope8

    Any Ketogenic “Keto“ Overlanders?

    Excellent info! Thanks for the post, we're just starting Keto and I was thinking about things to make on our summer trips.
  5. interscope8

    Real South African Biltong...

    My stepfather is from Johannesburg and for one of his birthday's my mom had a bunch of meat from South Africa shipped over and we had all sorts of awesome stuff! Biltong was there and he cooked Droewors (spelling?) on the grille with a cool homemade bbq sauce he only called Monkey Gland sauce...
  6. interscope8

    Wok vs Scottle

    I haven't used my Skottle much, but let me tell you not having to lean over an open fire to cook on cast iron is nice. Being able to stand and grille away from the smoke creates a bit more relaxed experience. It's by no means a replacement to a 2 burner grille IMO. I use both. But the Skottle...
  7. interscope8

    My Camp Kitchen Chuck Box

    Would you be able to provide plans or anything on the build of that chuck box? My mother does pop up trailer camping and has been talking about buying a chuckbox, I'd like to make one for her instead. Excellent info and build!
  8. interscope8

    Condiments.. How and what do you pack?

    Taking from my scouting days when we planned our menus we brought condiments based on the meals we were going to fix. That way we don't need a pantry's worth of condiments, and only had what would be normal on the meals we were to fix. This was especially important because we were backpacking...
  9. interscope8


    Lafayette Indiana 2007 Toyota FJC I'm New to Overlanding; however, I grew up as a very active Boy Scout with extensive backpacking and outdoors experience and well over 500 miles hiked in my youth. Jumping into Overlanding as a way for myself and my girlfriend to travel and see more of the...