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  1. nelsoncycles

    DIY Cooler project

    @Shizzy The game plan is that it will be located closest to the half door at the rear of the truck. The cooler will be able to be removed but it won't ever be used as a stand alone cooler. I was also thinking for loading and unloading purpose I could empty everything out and then siphon out the...
  2. nelsoncycles

    DIY Cooler project

    So I decided to build a built in cooler for the Trooper. I decided to build rather than use one of the many quality roto molded coolers due to making use of an odd shape and increasing the insulation over that of the "Yeti" style coolers. I don't need the durability of a roto molded cooler as I...
  3. nelsoncycles

    ThinkWrite 10 Port USB Hub

    You don't realize how bad you need something like that until you try charging 4 go-pro batteries, 2 smart phones, a couple goal zero lanterns, and stream light styron docked light. Great find!
  4. nelsoncycles

    What's on your roof?

    I made a pretty simple mount for shovels and ax with these as the base and some simple clamps from a hardware store. I still use those giant think bread tie like wire wraps as a backup redundancy. I've kept the shovel and ax up there for two years with no trouble. Smitty built makes a jerry...
  5. nelsoncycles

    Members Instagram ID

    Nelsoncycles on IG
  6. nelsoncycles

    What's on your roof?

    I keep everything on my roof rack unfortunately. I plan to move most things down to the rear bumper after it if fabricated as I agree having a high CG is bad. Currently Yakima basket, Highlift jack, Shovel, Treads X4, Spare tire, Axe, Bike trays X2,
  7. nelsoncycles

    Coffee Set Ups

    I bring a GSI hand grinder and a GSI french Press. The coffee is amazing and I don't have to remember to do anything except keep it clean. Whole beans last a lot longer than pre ground coffee so I keep a 12oz bag in my trucks kit. I am ready at all times to make a great cup.
  8. nelsoncycles

    What's your MPG (fuel economy) on the road.

    Drove to Cleveland and back from Columbus Highway MPG @ 15.2MPG Trooper with roof basket 33'' tires (285 75 16) I would have another 500lbs in there if i were going on a remote adventure which usually brings me down to 14mpg range on road.
  9. nelsoncycles

    Spare Parts Priorities

    A few simple rules on spares. -Don't worry about bringing spares that you don't have the knowledge and tools to install/repair -What is most likely to leave you stranded? -How long will you be out and how far will that adventure take you from the nearest autoparts store? What can or can't you...
  10. nelsoncycles

    Drawers and Sleeping platforms

    Hello, I was just wondering how many people her made their own drawers or sleeping platforms. I have a little construction background and was considering designing my own sleeping platform for inside of my IsuZoo. I didn't want to go with a RTT because of how conspicous that can be. I was...
  11. nelsoncycles


    Hello, I drive a 1996 Isuzu Trooper. I have a moderate amount of land based travel experience on various motorized and unmotorized platforms. I live in central Ohio.
  12. nelsoncycles

