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    Midland 275 clicking

    So I played around with the radio a little more, trying to eliminate variables... I found a more tolerable solution. Switching the output to the radio's onboard speaker completely fixes the sound. In my mounting situation, it's easier to hear with the audio coming from the handset, but I can...
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    Midland 275 clicking

    Here's a short video showing the issue
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    Midland 275 clicking

    I've read a lot of people having that issue, but mine makes this sound even with the entire vehicle completely turned off with nothing else powered.
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    Midland 275 clicking

    I'll try to get a video up soon. I discovered today that it seems that any update of the screen results in this sound, but only while receiving a signal. For example, if someone is transmitting and the signal meter is full, the click doesn't happen. As soon as the signal wavers and shows as a...
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    Midland 275 clicking

    Did you ever resolve this issue? I just bought a MXT575 from e-bay and it's doing the same exact thing. Weak signals have that clickety sound going constantly and I've noticed the volume and squelch don't have any effect on it. The squelch I expected but the volume is the part that gets me. If...