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    Hello Minnesotans!

    I'm interested
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    Mounting your devices.

    Sorry it didn't work for you, I've had them for more than 1.5 years and they have been great, I do use a short arm for the Garmin as it is a bit heavy. I'm in Mn so the temp extreme is pretty severe. I have the suction cup one as well, and while it is the best I've seen, it will fall off...
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    Mounting your devices.

    Ram makes a flexible base with adhesive back, I use 2 of them (phone and gps ) on the dash of my 4Runner.
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    Free Apex Overland Recovery Zpoints

    Sorry I just changed my mind, someone needs them more than me
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    Free Apex Overland Recovery Zpoints

    I’ll take them,sending you a pm
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    Traveling w/ dog - glacier/yellowstone ect.

    There is some really great hiking to be had in Glacier that you would miss out on , I love to hike w/dogs but it's not allowed in those NP's. I would board the dog for this trip, maybe find local boarding option so you have the pup for most of the trip and just not for when you are in the park?
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    Rear Leaf Upgrade

    I had a gen2 Tacoma, and I tried an AAL and was still under sprung, I changed to a new leaf pack from All Pro and I always felt over sprung. I think a little sag at full load is better than being too stiff! Best practice is to wait until you have all permanent weight in and then see what you...
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    Where did you install your OB emblem?

    Right above the SR5 emblem on both sides
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    Subaru Crosstrek

    I have a Yaesu 6000 [dual band] in my 4Runner and the head unit is very small, GF has a new Crosstrek and I think it would be a good fit.
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    What is the last thing you bought and plan to buy?

    I just ordered 2 more Tred 1100 traction boards [I have 2 already, and I want to have 4] and a set of Staun deflators. I'm going to Baja in Feb and I won't have my new bumper by then so no winch, and I want to be as prepared as possible.
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    Traction board mounts?

    I have mine roof mounted on my 4Runner, and the thing I’m struggling with is what to do with the knobs when I need the boards, I don’t want to drop them in the mud or snow. I want quick access without small parts to keep track of.
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    Let's see some HAM setups in your rigs

    In that case I think it’s a great choice
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    Let's see some HAM setups in your rigs

    I'm happy with it . I like the ease of use and simplicity. It has a small footprint so easy to install . I think if I was going to have a base unit I might want something with a dual display.
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    Traction board mounts?

    I may do something like this only vertically to save space.
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    Traction board mounts?

    I have a pair of gen 1 Treds and I have the Tred mounting plate, but I don’t like it, while it holds the boards fine and can take a small padlock, the knobs that screw on have super fine threads and are hard to operate. Also they require regular anti seize or they will be stuck. There is also...
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    2022 4Runner "Hobbes"

    Looks good! I have the same bumper on order [without HC] our to be delivered in FEB. I'd be interested to hear how it drives and handles with stock suspension. I'm going to install my Warn M8000 winch and switch to synthetic line.
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    Let's see some HAM setups in your rigs

    This is what I decided for external speaker and mic holder
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    Let's see some HAM setups in your rigs

    Yaesu FTM6000 w/ hood lip NMO mounted Comet in my 2020 4Runner. Radio body under pass seat. Still deciding where to mount mic clip and ext speaker ( I want to be REALLY sure before I drill) Not sure why the pics went sideways, I posted the same pics on another forum and they were right side up.
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    Mn to Baja Feb 2022

    We’re going to sort of play it by ear, not sure if we care much about going all the way south. My girlfriend Kelly has some health issues, so we may camp a couple days at a spot. , then move. We’re bringing SUP’s and 2 dogs, and hope to see some cool sights and relax on the beach. Maybe see the...