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    Most Expensive Thing That You Have Broken

    Oh man, I remember the time I accidentally broke my dad’s car window while trying to load a heavy box. It wasn’t just the window, though. The box slipped and dented the door too. Cost me a good chunk of my savings to fix it. I was so stressed about the money that I started looking for ways to...
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    Portable fridge/freezer to loan?

    That fridge situation sounds rough, I feel you! I had a similar issue with my camper not too long ago. Have you checked out casino rocket no deposit bonus, while you're waiting on the warranty? They've got some really good offers going on. It might be worth a shot to try your luck and who knows...
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    Opinions wanted on practicality of towing a trailer.

    I've been thinking about doing something similar with my old XJ. It's amazing how versatile those HF trailers can be with some creativity. Totally agree on the space issue—I've done a few trips with just my rig and it's always a game of Tetris. The Timberleaf Pika is a dream! One day... For now...
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    How to heat a rooftop tent?

    I've had good luck using a portable propane heater in my rooftop tent. Just make sure it's one that's safe for indoor use and has a built-in safety shut-off. Also, cracking a window for ventilation is key to prevent condensation and keep fresh air flowing. Keeps things cozy without the bulk of...
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    What have you 3D Printed for Overlanding?

    I've printed a few custom mounts for my gear, like a holder for my GPS and a bracket for my solar panel. The most useful one was a little clip to keep my cables organized. It's been a game-changer for keeping my setup neat and accessible.