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  1. slowcarfast

    Best overland rig with kids

    Full size pickup with a topper is really hard to beat for what you want. You sacrifice some of the hardcore offroad capability compared to a GX, but can still be quite capable. The crew cabs are spacious and can comfortably fit 3 car seats across the back seat, and the storage with a topper and...
  2. slowcarfast

    Grand Canyon Advice

    I've been researching for a similar trip later this summer. Some searches brought up some boondocking options near both parks. There's national forest with dispersed camping close to both rims of GC. And BLM and national forest South of Rockville, West of Zion, and some other public land options...
  3. slowcarfast

    North Rim

    A few years ago I camped at a gorgeous spot off forest road 525 West of Sedona. Don't know if they've changed the rules since then. If the goal is to be close to the grand canyon, there's some spots close to the Grandview Lookout Tower. The sites themselves are nothing spectacular, although a...
  4. slowcarfast

    Claiming Dispersed Campsites

    And one other note, not having a site can be a little nerve wracking, especially with the family, but it helps to make it part of the adventure! I did two weeks with my family in Colorado and Wyoming in summer 2020 when EVERYONE was outside camping and demand was as high as I've ever seen it. I...
  5. slowcarfast

    Claiming Dispersed Campsites

    In terms of when people show up, it can be very location and season dependent. Are you arriving on a Friday or a Tuesday? Is it a popular area? Where are you in the country? In my limited experience, often a lot of availability in the Eastern US especially off season, or if you arrive ahead of...
  6. slowcarfast

    Opinions wanted on practicality of towing a trailer.

    How much do you camp currently with the family? Do you feel like you have that kit really dialed in? Is it just a matter of transitioning that system to working with the Bronco? I would start there and try to identify what works and what you'd like to improve. It may help give your decision. I...