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  1. Sam Kelly

    Trip to Salida Colorado

    I am there tomorrow and staying at a cabin
  2. Sam Kelly

    Trip to Salida Colorado

    Going on a trip and looking for some trails to do
  3. Sam Kelly

    OB Members Nebraska

    Hello I live by Chalco and drive a 2008 Jeep Wrangler rubicon
  4. Sam Kelly

    Trip to the White Rim Trail in Canyonlands Utah

    Thank you Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  5. Sam Kelly

    Trip to the White Rim Trail in Canyonlands Utah

    Me and my dad are going on this trip together and this is our first overland trip. So I need some help on what to expect there and what gear would be good for out there in middle of May. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  6. Sam Kelly

    Hello Nebraska

    Hello from Nebraska I live by Chalco Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  7. Sam Kelly

    Any members in Nebraska?

    See if there’s any members in Nebraska Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  8. Sam Kelly

    Thank you

    Thank you