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  1. L

    Prep 2018 4Runner for water crossing

    T Luckily we can find something in Texas to hunt pretty much year round. That sucks. Really try to avoid that.
  2. L

    Prep 2018 4Runner for water crossing

    It’s actually more a shooting/hunter prep school. We will go to various locations. Get some animal vital targets set up and practice real life hunting scenarios. I teach shooting out to a mile here in Texas but we are planning these in more mountainous areas. Additionally I have other...
  3. L

    Prep 2018 4Runner for water crossing

    Not looking forward to cutting the fender. For sure. And I actually have zero desire to go in deep water with it. But I have to plan for worst case scenario. I’m planning some off-grid shooting/survival schools and want to cover my bases. It would suck to have your instructor cancel your class...
  4. L

    Prep 2018 4Runner for water crossing

    Very helpful. I don’t plan to do it often if at all. But would rather be ready in case.
  5. L

    Prep 2018 4Runner for water crossing

    Looking for info on prepping a 2018 4Runner for potential water crossings. Snorkel brands suggested, diy or professional install, other areas needing attention to avoid problems. Hope I got this in correct place this time.
  6. L

    2018 4Runner waterproofing

    thanks sir.
  7. L

    2018 4Runner waterproofing

    Looking for info on prepping a 2018 4Runner for potential water crossings. Snorkel brands suggested, diy or professional install, other areas needing attention to avoid problems.