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  1. MaG-Dive

    Flooding in southwest Germany - does anyone need help?

    I live right in the middle of that, fortunately a little to the north. Everyone and everything safe and secure. Thanks for the initiative. MaG
  2. MaG-Dive

    Europe/ Germany - HAM radio - new entry level class N

    Yes. Seems so. So if You plan to get a license it would be a good move to do it now as long as the actual questions are still valid.
  3. MaG-Dive


    Surely where's no prosecuter, there's no judge. But if there is only one way to do it properly with 2 rigs then you should go with 2 rigs. If you get caught, there's not only the money you have to pay; you also have the damage of the reputation to our community. I personally go with a...
  4. MaG-Dive


    Here over In Europe we don't have that specific problem as there is no GMRS. But usually people (and that includes Hams) program their VHF/UHF Walkie-Talkie with both Ham-frequencies and PMR446 and Freenet-Channels. There's no wrongdoing in that as long as you don't transmit on the frequencies...
  5. MaG-Dive

    Who is a Vet, Active or First Responder?

    Did my year as draftee in the Federal Armed Forces. Now active as volunteer in EMS and unit commander of a disaster control / civil protection unit.
  6. MaG-Dive

    Europe/ Germany - HAM radio - new entry level class N

    Probabaly there will be new rigs to cover that class. They're even thinking about opening the 10m-Band to class N. That would attract some more guys coming from CB.
  7. MaG-Dive

    Europe/ Germany - HAM radio - new entry level class N

    Of course, we're wolfing down w/o chewing him in one piece. :-D Cheers MaG