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  1. Ebbs

    US Northwest North Idaho/Eastern Washington March Trip Frenchman Coulee/Douglas Creek Area

    Short 2 day 1 night trip through Douglas Creek Falls area, Camping at Frenchman Coulee. View Rally Point
  2. Ebbs

    Resolved Number of spots showing incorrect for Rally Points

    I just created a Rally point, limited to 5 spots, but the total number available shows 4 of 10. We had an issue on our last trip where it showed a spot available, but when folks RSVP'd they weren't added and we had to go in and add a spot. @PapaDave could speak to the previous trip more
  3. Ebbs

    US Northwest Canadian Rockies and Ghost River Road

    A 4-day trip through the southern Canadian Rockies, Banff, and the Ghost River Road. View Rally Point
  4. Ebbs

    Resource Road Frequencies in Canada

    Hey all, So I've got a trip coming up going through BC and Alberta. We may hit some forest Service roads that are designated as Resource Roads and thus have a protocol for calling out at set KM's on a specific RR (Resource Road) channel. I've been able to find the frequencies, they look to be...
  5. Ebbs

    US Northwest Eastern Washington/Northern Idaho June Trip; WABDR sections 2&4

    A weekend trip hitting sections 2 and 4 of the Washington Backcountry Discovery Route View Rally Point
  6. Ebbs

    US Northwest Eastern Washington/Northern Idaho May Trip, exploring North Centeral Washington

    A weekend meandering through the northern Cascade foothills just north of Chalan, near Twisp, Concully, and Omak View Rally Point
  7. Ebbs

    US Northwest Northern Idaho Eastern Washington Feburary Trip- Umatilla National Forrest, Oregon

    UPDATE: Due to road closures we're shortening this to a 2 day 1 night trip into Umatilia National Forrest near Starkey Oregon View Rally Point
  8. Ebbs

    US Northwest Northern Idaho\\Eastern Washington Snow camp scouting trip

    Trip to scout a possible location for our end of Jan snow camp. View Rally Point
  9. Ebbs

    North Idaho/Eastern Washington General discussion

    Just figured I'd start a thread for us to have general discussions rather than clog up others to start it off, I found a pretty good video on prep for trips out in winter especially when solo.
  10. Ebbs

    High Idle Switch in Gas rig

    just wondering if anyone has experience or fitted a high idle switch for gas rig for winching. My GX470 has a pretty inemic alternator stock, so going to replace it, but I know a lot of rigs use a high idle switch to help reduce the strain. I can't seem to find much on installing these on gas...
  11. Ebbs

    US Northwest 2024 Northern Idaho, Eastern Washington New Year kickoff get-together and planning meeting

    Plan is to enjoy some appetizers and beverages with good folks and plan out which weekends each month where we want to go explore in the new year!. Welcome to all interested in attending. View Rally Point
  12. Ebbs

    US Northwest Section 7 IDBDR with too many jeeps(jk) dusty dudes and stupid bronco tires

    This trip consisted of: @Codeman Tacoma, leader and wrong turn giver @Buzzbee17 FJ Cruiser , north Idaho expert and sacrificial ear for the kids many musings. @Sapper7 resident Army engineer and owner of 1st jeep @AcJ owners of 2nd jeep and official debunker for Dave's anti jeep slurs...
  13. Ebbs

    Ebbs' Harbor Freight Trailer

    So at the time of starting this, I'm done with the initial build, just waiting on Raptor lining. So most of this will be in a single post, but thought I'd share and pass on some of the things I've learned along the way. For those just looking for pics, you came to the right place lol here's...
  14. Ebbs

    North Idaho/Eastern Washington Group Trip planning

    So going off what we discussed at the Meet @PapaDave hosted 1/8, and trying to organize some monthly trips, I figured I'd start a thread for ideas and discussion. I know right now locations are limited due to weather, but some may know of some areas that are still accessible and might be worth...