Today I have a call with the Mojave National Preserve, should get an update about if we are going to have a NPS October event.
No matter what we will be in the Mojave general area October 23-27.
Might just be fun trip if we cant do something official ;-)
Our semiannual Trail Guardian event in the Mojave National Preserve will not take place this spring. We are scheduled to have a fall event October 23-27 2025, with the work days October 24 & 25.
If you have any questions regarding the cancelled spring event don't hesitate to message me on the...
This is a couple of weeks old but maybe someone someone saw something. Remember "See Something Say Something"
I will be at the expo this Friday from 1100 hrs to ?. Ive been going to this show ever since the mid 70's when it was in San Mateo, CA USA
Drive the Mojave Road and document all the tracks that weave off the main trail and identify all turnouts so that they can either make them bigger or add more to eliminate the weaving tracks. This would still be a multi-day event with at least three teams. I would envision each team...
Followup to our project that identified all the dispersed campsites within the Mojave National Preserve. This project will identify access routs to campsites and develop a GPX track to be added to the data base.
View Rally Point
For more information contact @Joe Hunt, Nomad Overlanding
September 14 & 15 2024 hours 10-5
I will be there on Sunday, and look forward to seeing other members. First five members to find me and say hi get a challenge coin
=AZVOkZxO1SMtlpHe7v91KMwzixry0q_txmj5KPzLWt3VEPwFQTLj7S2FYuBwwtePmqIfEzhPbU_w-_fvdea6Nd6VCIcAibmAEndYN-doyVUhSCuJDG_sQ9r9g_wzyZyjOlnAdVjTWVGhTiTuG3Q7i5wuVdZIP5Ajgh8QmgvQIW9G8fvG9aIwATSpmg6y3aOkYaxUHqcFaCfbVv351DgA7nPYTvoYtZHvPLt5m_BA49jKlQ&__tn__=-UC%2CP-y-R']Rubicon Trail Foundation
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