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  1. M1010Engineer

    M1010 "MemphisBelle"

    Follow me on instagram @stang5479 I bought this CUCV M1010 out of Ellaville, Georgia in September of 2017. She mostly sat around while I hunted the 2017-18 season. For those unfamiliar... The CUCV was: 5/4 ton 6.2 Detroit Diesel TH400 4.56 gears Dana 60 Front 14 Bolt Corporate Rear...
  2. M1010Engineer

    New from Alabama(Pell City)...1985 CUCV M1010

    Hi all, New to the overlanding scene. I have dreams of driving out west for weeks at a time sooner than later. For now I'll be cruising around town(Pell City, AL) and in the local national forest in my M1010. Still lots of research to do. Lots of idea but I'm still trying to keep it simple...