Subbed.. I’m in NJ, but not a lot of fun stuff here unless you plan on sharing a public campground with 50 other people and screaming kids around you. More than happy to tag along in other states.
Wow. Honestly, in my data noobness, I had not realized psk and rtty could be done via android. Or that you could get a tablet with internal gps. That combines everything pretty well.
I guess I should’ve stopped looking for solutions on the Apple bandwagon.
I made this thread because I’m getting a migraine from all the search windows I have open.
If you want to partake in data or some of the more niche HAM activities, you just absolutely need a laptop for mobility. If you want it accessible in your vehicle, you need a mounting solution...
Don’t feel this warrants making a new thread, but:
Anyone know if RTT is still viable with large (107lbs) dog?
I’ve asked this to someone with similar and he stated he just helps the dog up ladder. Idk bout all that jazz. Anybody else have experience?
Hey new central NJ guy here. Currently doing super casual camping/exploring either on 2016 F150 or 2017 KLR650. Prob looking to get rid of truck for taco or something.
Also HAM (KD2QDK), Doberman, and firearms enthusiast.
**Warning: asskissing post inbound**
I must say the guides/posts I’ve...
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