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  1. moz75

    KickAss 12V to 120V Pure Sine Wave 2000W Inverter with Remote

    Selling a brand new Inverter. In it's box, I will not use this, since I am doing a different setup. Selling for $290 00, this is actually around 500.Here is some info. The KickAss 12V to 120V Pure Sine Wave 2000W Inverter delivers reliable, steady power for all your appliances. Run your...
  2. moz75

    Heretic lightbar

    I am selling heretic 6 series lightbar 40 inch for 650. I paid around 800 with shipping and tax. Let me know if you have any questions.
  3. moz75

    US West Heading to Trona Pinnacles 4/2-4/4

    Has anyone had experience in going to Trona Pinnacles? any advise in gear to take? thinking of spending the weekend 4-2 through 4-4.