Search results for query: navigation app

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  1. Flipper

    Overland Bound Vanlifers

    Been Vanning, Camping, Hiking, Exploring since the mid 70s. Smoky Mts, Rocky Mts and everything in between. The Skiff specs: 12’ Carolina Skiff w/ 25 HP Yamaha Draft: 1’ Range: 115 mi. All Type I offshore safety gear. Comms. Marine VHF w DSC, 2M HT Navigation: Garmin GPS Chartplotter with HD...
  2. P

    US Southwest Recurring - North Central Texas Meet & Greet ▲ monthly meetup location there are phone apps available also
  3. Beto1619

    US Southwest Recurring - North Central Texas Meet & Greet

    What is 3 word navigation ///???
  4. DevilDodge

    Members with information/experience/interest in Pennsylvania State Forests for off pavement travel/dispersed camping

    I did see, and such an awesome idea. I did my first two trail rides this past year and had both with a meetup within the state Forest. Fun fact: I noticed the new format for rigs and coffee to coordinates and coffee as I was scouting a place for meetups. Most of the people in CPAO are from...
  5. cug

    New Navigation Device iPad?

    I know this thread is a bit older, but since I'm in the same position (for a year now) and still undecided, I'd at least like to share my experience so far: iPad with Gaia GPS I have a paid subscription to Gaia and therefore have access to some very nice map layers. The main problem I have...
  6. ramblinChet

    King of the Hammers

    While alone in the desert a few months ago I began thinking about King of the Hammers and how over the past decade I have always wanted to attend. Although I was aware that the event was held in Johnson Valley, California, I was not sure what time of the year, so I promised myself to check as...
  7. El-Dracho

    EU Mid Europe Mid Europe Spring Meetup 2024 from April 26th to April 28th, 2024

    It won't be long now. I'm delighted that we've found another volunteer for workshops. This year we will deal with (1) Stopping life-threatening bleeding with @XC70_OVERLANDER and @El-Dracho , (2) Making fire - techniques and rules of conduct with @Moritz Jung and @Oligetorix and (3) Outdoor...
  8. Ethan N

    Linking maps

    I don't know about a direct link, but you can add locations to the map in the app privately. That way only you can see your special locations etc. and it will keep them saved for you. One thing the app can do is the reverse, you can click a point in the app and send the navigation directions to...
  9. ZombieCat

    Stocking stuffers for Overlanders

    Great list - B&H is my favorite toy store! I’d also add warm gloves and wool socks (Darn Tough are a favorite); a Yeti or similar insulated drinking cup or coffee cup; a first aid kit; a Thermacell bug repellent kit (used my a LOT this summer); or a subscription to a useful app - such as weather...
  10. rtexpeditions

    What's do you think the most impactful first upgrade is to a rig?

    You need to get out there with your vehicle as is. You will figure out what YOU need to do to your vehicle to improve your experience. From the list, I would prioritise things that make it safe for you like first aid, navigation and driver training. If you are a newbie, travel with friends that...
  11. rtexpeditions

    Satellite Messengers: Garmin InReach vs Spot for Non-emergency Offroad Recoveries

    I really like this device, my Garmin Montana 700i. I've used the other Garmin Inreach devices and their interface is awful, the same as their other backpacking GPS units. The Montana interface is more like a mobile phone, with proper touchscreen controls and message typing. The display is large...
  12. D

    Favorite YouTube Overland Channels

    I tried to insert my answers into your quote. By far the best overlanding and skills and teaching channle I know, is Ronny Dahl.
  13. N

    Essential Camping Gear Checklist for Overlanding Trips

    ...experience. Look for lightweight and compact options that are easy to transport. 6. Navigation Tools: A reliable GPS device or navigation app can help you navigate off the beaten path. Also, if technology fails you, carry a physical map as a backup. 7. First Aid Kit: Accidents happen, so...
  14. Ebrinker

    Favorite YouTube Overland Channels

    What are your favorite YouTube overland channels for the following categories? 1.) Adventure/Story Category 2.) Gear Reviews Category 3.) Maintenance How To Category 4.) Mods/Builds How To Category 5.) Relevant Skills (e.g., Recovery, Navigation, Off Road Driving, Bushcraft, etc.) Category
  15. ZombieCat

    S/how do you carry paper maps and books?

    I have electronics that use Google/Apple/Gaia maps and a Gamin satellite navigation device, which I use primarily for roads. But…I always have “old school” maps, too. The 50-state Rand McNally resides in the seat back pocket and I have trail maps for many National Parks, forests and wilderness...
  16. TheBison

    Third try - now a Bison!

    Are you running this actual unit? I've heard mixed results with the Android head units. Some love them, others not so much...
  17. Autism Family Travels

    Third try - now a Bison!

    This is one option. I would recommend you go with the upgraded ram/rom on it too. Ours is low powered and you can tell when trying to get apps to fire up. But once it's running it's great. OEM 9 inch Android 13.0 for 2017-2020 Chevy Chevrolet TrailBlazer S10 Colorado Isuzu D-MAX Dmax MU-X...
  18. TheBison

    Third try - now a Bison!

    Now it comes down to winter projects. Upgrades include: AEV snorkel with cyclone intake AEV transmission skid Hood solar panel from Lensun for start battery trickle charging LED fog lights to replace stock halogen in the bumper Additionally, we discovered a few things that need tweaks to work...
  19. J

    Best tablet for navigation?

    What is the best tablet to use for navigation that holds charge best, has best internal GPS
  20. Michael_Exploder

    US West South Bay Monthly Meetup

    Scotty, The park I was thinking of as an alternative to our current meeting place is called Almaden Meadows Park, at the corner of Camden and Meridian…..right around the corner…Also, Thanks again for organizing todays meet up and Your Navigation presentation. Looking forward to coordinating...