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  1. Travis Wise

    Northwest Washington August 2018 Meet-up - 08/22/2018

    Coaching takes priority. I agree a Saturday evening meet up would be easier to attend.
  2. Travis Wise

    HAM Radio Call Sign Check-In Thread

    I am thinking about heading over to the Leavenworth overland rally tonight. What would I miss if I arrived early Saturday morning instead? Are there still camping spots available?
  3. Travis Wise

    HAM Radio Call Sign Check-In Thread

    Team Overland~ Ki7TEY Travis, Technician Licensed 2017 in Washington State. Are any of you going to be on 146.52 Simplex on the way to the Rally in Leavenworth next weekend 29 June 2018?
  4. Travis Wise

    HAM Radio Call Sign Check-In Thread

    Gray Ghost I earned a technician license last year and am working toward a general this year. I look foreword to hearing you on the air. Travis KI7TEY Stanwood, WA
  5. Travis Wise

    At Work

    At Work