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  1. BritCan

    Building Our Dream Rig

    Building Our Dream Rig
  2. BritCan

    Fuso FG 4x4 Custom Expedition Vehicle Build

    Our ITEM sample pack and parts catalog arrived today by courier. Looking to use their aluminum extrusion system for the expedition vehicle interior construction of units etc. Very slick, Meccano for big boys!
  3. BritCan

    Fuso FG 4x4 Custom Expedition Vehicle Build

    Drawings, drawings and more drawings, the design work is progressing ready for manufacture
  4. BritCan

    Fuso FG 4x4 Custom Expedition Vehicle Build

    Next meeting was with Andreas from Total Composites, a German company that will be supplying all of the laser cut composite panels and working in collaboration with ITB on the build. Another great guy and a real expert in his field with years of experience, we went through the structural element...
  5. BritCan

    Fuso FG 4x4 Custom Expedition Vehicle Build

    And the adventure continues......Just finished a 1000km drive from Red Dear Alberta to International Truck Body in Vancouver across the Rocky Mountains, just breathtaking! Why??? To deliver our 4x4 overlander chassis which we won’t see now for another 3 months and when we fly back to collect it...
  6. BritCan

    Fuso FG 4x4 Custom Expedition Vehicle Build

    Hi All Wanted to share the progress as it unfolds on our Fuso FG 4x4 Expedition vehicle build. I will posts updates here as they happen... I will start by saying getting hold of one of these trucks in Canada was a small nightmare and we ended up flying from Ontario to Red Dear for just that...
  7. BritCan

    WANTED Mitsubishi Fuso FG 4x4

    Hi All, It is my first post here and we are looking to build our overland dream vehicle. We have most things lined up and ready to go by way of suppliers for the gear we need for the build but are missing one vital part..... The Chassis! We are looking to by a use Mitsubishi Fuso FG 4x4 as the...