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  1. LoyaleBound

    Gear shops Seattle area?

    Also, Outdoor Research on 1st Ave S and Feathered Friends near REI are great stores to check out. Sent from my E6810 using OB Talk mobile app
  2. LoyaleBound

    Not your typical Overland Vehicle (pics)

    Looks like I uploaded that all stupid. Oops!
  3. LoyaleBound

    Not your typical Overland Vehicle (pics)

    My Subaru Loyale. This is just the beginning of things to come for this car, stay tuned!
  4. LoyaleBound

    What's up from Seattle?!

    I'll be heading to Yakima tomorrow for the holidays, so i'll take some pics then and post em up asap!
  5. LoyaleBound

    What's up from Seattle?!

    Funny thing, I was actually at that meet up! I was unable to bring my car but came with a buddy in his 80 series. The one not backed in lol
  6. LoyaleBound

    What's up from Seattle?!

    Thanks for the support and welcoming to the community everyone! This is one of the reasons I joined!
  7. LoyaleBound

    What's up from Seattle?!

    Hey everyone! New guy from the upper left here! Grew up camping and being outside but new to overlanding. I'm very excited to learn as much as I can from you all! I have a Subaru Loyale that is partially set up already but there are definitely plans for it still! Looking forward to sharing trips...