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  1. scott mcfarland

    Any Hunters Among Us?

    Hunter here. I hunt west and middle TN. Primarily whitetail, but also dove, rabbit and squirrel.
  2. scott mcfarland

    Info on the "high water mark" trail

    Chris - None of the water crossings in the fall were deeper than the top of the tire, but I've heard in the spring they're deep. I understand the solo concern, if you're interested you could coordinate a run with my crew. We're going back spring or fall this year for sure. We've got 5-6 trucks...
  3. scott mcfarland

    Info on the "high water mark" trail

    We ran a portion of the HWM trail this fall. It is pretty mild as offroading goes, but beautiful scenery and a lot of fun. A small trail section I recorded from the windshield And a much more well done video, not mine or our trip. I still have the GPX files we used if you're interested.
  4. scott mcfarland

    Dumbest thing you've done while working on your vehicle...

    Lifting my 4runner by myself. While putting the front all back together I got the sway bar bound up on the driver side. 3 floor jacks in play to get the arms and links all lined up. After dropping the arm and it not easily going back into place I thought it just needed a little more persuasion...
  5. scott mcfarland

    Member Rides

    New member and first post. Two vehicles that play different roles. 2010 JK Rubicon for trail riding and rock crawling and 1999 UZJ100 Landcruiser for road trips and lighter duty adventure