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  1. Minuteman


  2. Minuteman

    North Carolina Trip Planning

    Hurricane Creek/ "Max patch"( locals call it this), Harmons den is about a 4 hour loop. I have been there many times, the best way to hit the trail is off of I40 heading west. Make sure you have a cb on channel 19, as the loop exit is about two miles past the Harmons den exit(a few miles before...
  3. Minuteman

    New member, Western NC

    Hey there, I live an hour SW of Asheville, NC. I am experienced in off-roading and fabricating for 10+ years. Own a Suzuki Samurai(used for winter "Mountain Man" trips, and an FZJ80 for the family the rest of the year. Looking forward to reading and researching this great new trend.
  4. Minuteman

    2018 Expo East Caravan Meeting Point - 11/08/2018

    I live an hour from the expo(Asheville) Ill be there Friday and Saturday. Will most likely bring fzj80 and camper trailer Saturday if any one is around, would be glad to meet some "localish" folks, learn and share some experiences. Lived in the WNC area most my life.