Your stove sounds great. I just have a simple camp stove that works good for a small troop of people but if you wanted to bring that that sounds like a great idea
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How do you guys want to do it? Do you want to do it where everyone brings their own? Or do we have a firm headcount and someone goes and does the shopping and we split the cost at the end?
Sent from my XT1254 using OB Talk mobile app
Well it looks like we're coming up on another meet up. Thinking about the idea of meeting up at Tangos Taco at 6:30 p.m ( direction on page one ) this coming Monday, then heading off to the Sacramento River ( 15 minutes away )for a BBQ on the beach. What do you guys think? Or..... Meet up...
Awesome......maybe some time we can meet up at that spot on the Sacramento River and do a BBQ meet up....more pics to come.
Sent from my XT1254 using OB Talk mobile app
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