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  1. Art

    Puget Sound meet-n-greet

    Any talk of a next meet at all?
  2. Art

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Got my OME 3" front and rear lift installed! Can't wait to see it in the sun tomorrow!
  3. Art

    Would you buy this trailer?

    This has been in the back of my mind since I saw it. Just talked to the owner and he wont drop the price but mentioned that it has new bearings, new lights, new wiring, replace the floor, new tailgate, new tires and rims. This is becoming so tempting. I would want different hubs to match my...
  4. Art

    OB Pacific Northwest Trail Run - 2017 Edition

    I am interested and once I can get clearance that my wife is okay to watch the baby im in. I have a 4runner with a 3" lift.
  5. Art

    New from Tacoma

    Awesome looking rig! Got lots of us over in Western WA so give a shout out if your going out and want some friends to play!
  6. Art

    RTT's... pros and cons?

    So I have yet to buy a RTT but definitely want to get one. Some of the cons I have heard are that you get there, setup the tent, break it down the next day, rinse and repeat. To me this argument can really only be solved by sleeping in the vehicle like youve suggested. But at that point your...
  7. Art

    b_boden Overland Trailer Build

    Yeah the price is the hardest thing to overcome. I found a enclosed that im in the process of buying (making the owner get their title figured out) that is a good starting point for a good price. The other option I was looking at was a old military jeep trailer but it was priced at $1k which...
  8. Art

    b_boden Overland Trailer Build

    Yeah the short sides are definitely the killer for me. Im actually looking at a small enclosed trailer to modify but being your so close I might have to hit you up about some questions/help down the road.
  9. Art

    b_boden Overland Trailer Build

    Its this one on craigslist and looks to be in Redmond and has a green color. Little pricey for what I see though at $600 considering how much work I see you having to do.
  10. Art

    Drop axle for offroad trailer?

    I'll find and add you. Watching the video now.
  11. Art

    Question about wheels on my 1949 Supreme Trailer

    Yeah that's what I was thinking. Could always do spacers too but I could see the offset reasoning. I'll have to cross that bridge at some point too.
  12. Art

    Question about wheels on my 1949 Supreme Trailer

    Good looking trailer. Is it a straight axle or can you flip it for more height and not need the offset?
  13. Art

    Drop axle for offroad trailer?

    I look forward to seeing the rebuild. Would love to see the progress if you feel like posting it.
  14. Art

    Drop axle for offroad trailer?

    Oh no! I saw that post but didn't realize it was yours. I'm sorry to hear that man.
  15. Art

    b_boden Overland Trailer Build

    Definitely interested in this trailer. I saw a Ben Hur for sale locally and thought it was interesting.
  16. Art

    Drop axle for offroad trailer?

    Aww ok thanks! I was looking back through builds and realized yours is the inspiration for this one I'm looking to buy! Do you have any pictures of the interior of yours?
  17. Art

    Does this count as Over landing?

    Why not? Not all journies take us out into the woods or on top of a mountain.
  18. Art

    Drop axle for offroad trailer?

    This is similar to what I was thinking: I found a good explanation about it here. This is the quote:
  19. Art

    Drop axle for offroad trailer?

    So with a drop would you fully flip it to gain clearance? So from _---_ to -__- if that makes sense.
  20. Art

    Drop axle for offroad trailer?

    So coming in as a noob but wanting to build a trailer. I tend to see a lot of the drop axles vs straight axles. Is one preferred over the other or something to look out for with issues?