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  1. Carnivore

    Edmonton Meetup - 3:00ish @ Terwillegar Park

    And we've been chatting about my rifle on my "normal" account Davis_664 I like his channel and IG page. Great content for sure.
  2. Carnivore

    Trophies, Badges, and Ranks!

    Thanks for the explanation Michael. Like I said, not going to stop me from being here lol. :laughing: was just something I noticed and was puzzled. All good.
  3. Carnivore

    Trophies, Badges, and Ranks!

    Yeah it's weird. I hadn't refreshed the page on my tablet and I could get a screen shot of how it used to be. Points dropped down from over 900 too. Peculiar indeed.
  4. Carnivore

    Trophies, Badges, and Ranks!

    Curious. A few days ago my "circled number" used to show 37 with a yellow circle. Now it's a red circle with a 20 inside. That and I think my ranking dropped from IV to II. Not upset, just puzzled. I'm here for the info, tips, inspiration and ideas, not just the "score" lol :)
  5. Carnivore

    Edmonton Meetup - 3:00ish @ Terwillegar Park

    Nice! I follow him on Instagram and YouTube. He knows the FTR really well apparently. I'd love to pick his brain on places to see, gps coords etc. I'm ob3411 on Instagram, for those that use that medium... I dontvhave a lot to share there yet, it's a new account.
  6. Carnivore

    Edmonton Meetup - 3:00ish @ Terwillegar Park

    We usually camp on crown land near the Forestry Trunk Rd near Elk River Rd, but yeah, a little "O group" to toss around ideas sounds like a plan for sure.
  7. Carnivore

    Off-Road Trailer Manufacturers Listing

    Nice to see a Canadian builder in the list. Although, having said that, we've got our eye on a Kodiak teardrop. They are in the process of moving from Cali to Nevada.
  8. Carnivore

    Welcome to the Western Canada thread

    There are 5 (full members) that are relatively local. That I know about, due to the map of members. It's definitely nice to see "locals" especially considering just how many folks are on these forums.
  9. Carnivore

    Welcome to the Western Canada thread

    Welcome from the ghetto (Abbotsfield area lol)
  10. Carnivore

    OB Approved Overland Safety: Fire Extinguishers

    When I used our 3/4 ton as a courier truck, I had to get a 20 lb extinguisher. Usually because we'd deliver on sites in the oil sands. It's in a bracket near the tailgate for quick access. Now that I'm in a different line of work, when the time comes, we'll sport a couple smaller units.
  11. Carnivore

    Our first UAE meeting

    Oh it looked like an aluminum box. [emoji6] John Pro Patria (For Country) OB3411
  12. Carnivore

    Our first UAE meeting

    That looks like a blast. Decent turn out too. Not to take away from the theme too much, can you provide more details on the bin attached to the tailgate? Looks like a secure option for storage of valuables. Last time I was in a desert on that side of the planet, it was for "work" ;) Thanks...
  13. Carnivore

    How 2016 Went for Me

    Curious to see how you top 2016 :) Great pictures!
  14. Carnivore

    What are your plans for 2017?

    Our "plans", buy a new-to-us Jeep unlimited. Sell the GMC Sierra 2500hd. Get our passports so we can hit the road south to the US (wife has never been to that side of the States). Thinking Utah, AZ, Nevada etc. If funds permit, we'd like to get a teardrop type setup.
  15. Carnivore

    Welcome to the Western Canada thread

    Howdy from Edmonton. I actually learned to off-road in the dunes of Dundurn in an old M38-A1 when I was in the Reserves back in 86. Great place to zip around if you can ever get access to that area. God knows, we beat the crap out of both the trails and the vehicles lol (young and foolish days...
  16. Carnivore

    Transalta Road - South Ghost

    Looks like a great place to pitch a tent for a few days. Thanks for sharing. Would you happen ton have GPS coordinates? Looks nice and secluded. The reason I ask, we hit the FTR coming from Edson heading south to Robb/Cadomin area (we camp a lot near Elk River Rd but the area is getting too...
  17. Carnivore

    Snow Chains ??

    I may have taken more creative liberties than I needed in the term "ice skates" Haha. Then again I've only used chains on larger military vehicles. Thinking back, we only put one chain per axle, alternating left and right. But we're talking federal government and we know their track record on...
  18. Carnivore

    always hunting for abandon highways

    Those "entrances" remind me of the jet launch tunnels at the base of Mt Gola in Bosnia. Germans tested jet launches down runways that started inside the mountain. Crazy engineering there. Was kind of trippy snooping around in the tunnels that were cleared of explosives when we were there in...
  19. Carnivore

    Legal Weapons and Overlanding

    Because of this country's archaic firearms regs, sidearms are restricted and thus out of the question. So we carry a Mossy 500 and/or JR carbine in 40S&W when we're out on crown land. (according to the Canadian government, AR rifles are evil).
  20. Carnivore

    Snow Chains ??

    Depends what is under the snow. Here in Canada, thinner tires and more air =cutting through the snow to the terrain (pavement/frozen dirt) underneath. Think pizza cutter ;) Floating on top is great for sand but not so much for snow. Ice is a different animal. As others have said, snow tires...