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  1. RainGoat

    Differential breather question

    Check with @Terry Pickens
  2. RainGoat

    Its all Plastic

    +1 on all that. The “handles” aren’t as comfortable as Maxtrax either but I would use a shovel to dig, not my recovery board. Also, you can find the 10ton on eBay for <$65
  3. RainGoat

    Camp Security Options?

    Just for perspective, even when the police have a video of someone stealing your car, they rarely want to look at it. Also, theft is time immemorial, we only hear about it more because there’s more people & easier ways to spread the info.
  4. RainGoat

    How to make a killer fire kit

    Thanks for the recommendation
  5. RainGoat

    Oregon Coast Trip

    Certainly you’re aware but just a reminder, bring clothes & footwear for cold & wet. So far it’s been a mild winter but there is a chance the OR Coast Range & Siskyous could get snow. Snow on the actual coast itself is almost unheard of. If you’re looking to stay in one place for a bit, Vacasa...
  6. RainGoat

    Oregon Coast Trip

    Definitely get a DeLorme Gazetteer for OR as well. The whole coast is great & you would have a great trip even if you were in a sedan - tons to see. Following the Rogue River in the Siskyou Mtns is nice. Tillamook SF is nice (check out it’s visitor center). Hike down to the beach at Oswald...
  7. RainGoat

    Recovery Tracks 1 Set or 2

    Yep, he said that other than stacking (& handle comfort) he hasn’t really seen any performance difference & he’s broken both.
  8. RainGoat

    Powerlift 3 Ton,All-in-One Bottle Jack

    I have one. It has a good rep for all the obvious reasons. I’ve found I don’t really take mine on the trail though because it’s so bulky. (You can get it via Home Depot btw)
  9. RainGoat

    Recovery Tracks 1 Set or 2

    +1 on X-Bull. They are often ~$65 on ebay (I’ve bought 3 sets that way-gifts). Waypoint Overland has used them & Maxtracks & broken both. He sees little difference & now just carries X-Bulls. The X-Bulls don’t stack nearly as tight (so there’s that) but the cost difference is astronomical.
  10. RainGoat

    Camp Security Options?

    I agree. Just sounds to alert you & spoil any covert theft. Bear spray solves most other problems non-lethally. If you really need to use a gun things have already gone irrevocably sideways.
  11. RainGoat

    Vegas weekend

    Valley of Fire & Glenn Cyn NRA. Hoover Dam is also interesting
  12. RainGoat

    Camp Security Options?

    Bear Spray is a very effective area deterrent. It’s the shotgun of pepper sprays. We also sleep with a small marine air horn & carry small personal alarms. We have these for wildlife but they would also be good intruder deterrents & typically pose no legal or border issues. I like the idea...
  13. RainGoat

    Why you need to buy a quality Handheld (Portable) radio.

    HAM vs Satellite for emergencies is a complicated pro/con. Both is obviously best but a SPOT, InReach or PLB is irreplaceable for true emergencies.
  14. RainGoat

    Oregon beach driving question.

    Sounds right to me.l!
  15. RainGoat

    Krazy Beaver Super Shovel

    Or one of these: Max Multi-Purpose Tool. I’ve had mine about 15years. It cost way less then than I see them advertised for now.
  16. RainGoat

    Happy Holidays to the NorthWest Region

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays & a Great New Year!
  17. RainGoat

    Portland,OR overlander newbie

    Ha, your posts frequently catch my eye since I know Shaun but I didn’t realize you were his Dad! I see it’s genetic with you two as well!
  18. RainGoat

    Portland,OR overlander newbie

    The Portland & OR area is full of great places to explore. Look at & check out Tillamook SF. Most definitely hook up with the Overland Bound crew down there, they have an active group. @STPICKENS is down in that area. A 2017 Taco is great out of the box. Get some inexpensive...
  19. RainGoat

    WABDR season

    & a chainsaw
  20. RainGoat

    WABDR season

    It’s a good question!