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  1. Cottonwoody

    Shasta Cascade Far Northern California Monthly Meet Up.

    Hey there OB members, we just posted some additional information regarding this week ends Ishi Wilderness Exploration; including PDFs and GPX maps. Take a look and if you can make it, would love to have you join us. It's a family, kid and dog friendly trip. No cats please........ok cats...
  2. Cottonwoody

    Ishi Wilderness Exploration. - 04/21/2018

    We just posted a PDF itinerary for the trip. Details regarding times and locations are listed. Looking forward to seeing you all. Thanks Ken for the PDF work.
  3. Cottonwoody

    Ishi Wilderness Exploration. - 04/21/2018

    Hey everyone, I have uploaded a GPX file showing the rout to Fischer Camp Ground (where we will be staying the night) for those who would like to meet us there. I'm looking into finidng a GPX to PDF converter that is free and works well; any suggestions. Tried a couple and have not been...
  4. Cottonwoody

    Ishi Wilderness Exploration. - 04/21/2018

    Yes a very dog and family friendly group. All are invited.
  5. Cottonwoody

    Shasta Cascade Far Northern California Monthly Meet Up.

    Well every, I wanted to give you a heads up regarding our monthly meet up at Mary's Pizza Shack in Anderson California. Looking forward to seeing you all and maybe some new faces. It will be a great time to...
  6. Cottonwoody

    OverlandBound_Trolls / overlandbound_fake

    I am 52 year old OB member #3457. I have been exploring by vehicle since I was sixteen and tearing apart automobiles since before I had driver's license. I'm a ASE certified auto mechanic, has had history working as an auto tech for Toyota and attended two years of Toyota University to...
  7. Cottonwoody

    Ishi Wilderness Exploration. - 04/21/2018

    Very cool area of Northern California with some impressive deep canyons. Not too high in elevation so it makes for a good spring, fall and even winter destination. Alot of this area I havn't been to yet so there is alot to explore. The road behind the camp ground is opening at the...
  8. Cottonwoody

    Ishi Wilderness Exploration. - 04/21/2018

    We will be doing an overnight-er / exploring the Ishi Wilderness. We will be meeting in Old Town Cottonwood at 8:00 am Saturday morning where we will be heading towards Paines Creek for some back roads exploring and an overnight-er in the Ishi Wilderness. View Rally Point Details
  9. Cottonwoody

    Shasta Cascade Far Northern California Monthly Meet Up.

    Eye candy... Sent from my XT1254 using OB Talk mobile app
  10. Cottonwoody

    Shasta Cascade Far Northern California Monthly Meet Up.

    I wanted to also share with everyone that we will be doing an overnighter and exploring the Ishi Wilderness. We will be meeting in Old Town Cottonwood at 8:00 am Saturday morning where we will be heading towards Paines Creek for some back roads exploring and an overnighter in the Ishi...
  11. Cottonwoody

    Shasta Cascade Far Northern California Monthly Meet Up.

    For further discussion about what is going on in our neck of the woods, you can also check us out on our Facebook page Sent from my XT1254 using OB Talk mobile app
  12. Cottonwoody

    Shasta Cascade Far Northern California Monthly Meet Up.

    Good variety of vehicles. Sent from my XT1254 using OB Talk mobile app
  13. Cottonwoody

    Shasta Cascade Far Northern California Monthly Meet Up.

    Enjoyed good conversations and stories. Sent from my XT1254 using OB Talk mobile app
  14. Cottonwoody

    Shasta Cascade Far Northern California Monthly Meet Up.

    We had a great time last night at Mary's Pizza for our monthly meet up. Met a number of new faces and had a great time. Sent from my XT1254 using OB Talk mobile app
  15. Cottonwoody

    Shasta Cascade Far Northern California Monthly Meet Up.

    Hey everybody, we're looking forward to seeing you coming up on March 12th at 6:30 p.m. at Mary's Pizza in Anderson. Should be a really good turnout. Noticing more and more new people showing interest in joining our gathering. Looking forward to seeing both old and new thanks again have a good...
  16. Cottonwoody

    Sriracha Mariande

    Sriracha Marinade Sriracha Marinade Copyright 2017 Fire Grilling Stir the whole mixture and dip your finger in it to try it. Add more sriracha if you like it hotter. Remember as it soaks into the meat it’ll loose some power so aim higher on the heat scale than lower. Keep...
  17. Cottonwoody

    Overlanding Campfire Skewer

    Hey everyone, I wanted to share with you a cool outdoor cooking tool that I would think would work well in overlanding environment. The company is called Fire Grilling Adventurous Cooking. The founder is a good friend of mine and he has developed a fire pit cooking skewer that is perfect for...
  18. Cottonwoody

    2018 Toyotas.

    Fox shocks, new roof rack and new air intake. Sent from my XT1254 using OB Talk mobile app
  19. Cottonwoody

    2018 Toyotas.

    Sent from my XT1254 using OB Talk mobile app
  20. Cottonwoody

    Shasta Cascade Far Northern California Monthly Meet Up.,+Anderson+CA+96007/ Sent from my XT1254 using OB Talk mobile app