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  1. trikebubble

    Tundra Bumpers

  2. trikebubble

    Tundra Bumpers

    Mine does have access holes on both sides. My license plate covers one hole, and I access the release lever thru the other. I think it can be ordered with or without (if you have a remote control winch)
  3. trikebubble

    Rig selection

    Chrysler stories being shared? I've owned every major make of vehicle in the past 35 years of driving. The only (and I mean only) make of vehicle I have ever really had an issue with is Chrysler. I had to retire my 17 year old, 300K Km, much loved and much used Chevy Astro work company van last...
  4. trikebubble

    Show off your campsite

    A shot from last year. Probably the most memorable camp spot I can recall. On the point at the end of the road in Tuktoyaktuk last July 2nd. We were fortunate enough to be able to travel North early last summer, before may people started heading North this year. It was an amazing experience...
  5. trikebubble

    Rig selection

    I am just shy of 100K km on the Tundra. It's a 2014 that I bought in 2017 with 60K Km on it. The majority of the almost 40K Km I have put on it have been on adventures, ans 95% have been with the camper on. Many hard KM's like running The Dempster, or spending two weeks chasing back country rec...
  6. trikebubble

    Rig selection

    I went from a well kitted out Xterra to a Tundra...and while the Xterra will have a place in my heart forever, I've never looked back. I can go (and have) to 90% of the places I went in the Xterra with my Tundra. The endless power on tap alone almost makes it worth choosing a full size truck...
  7. trikebubble

    Fake Overlanding?

    I snapped this at a beauty little rec site on the east coast of Vancouver Island in July. I spent 2 wonderful weeks just roaming around the logging roads looking for places to camp.
  8. trikebubble

    Fake Overlanding?

    I tend to run the other way from any sort of label or term thrown at the type of adventure travel we like to do. As far as campers go, ours has been many places where it probably shouldn't, has put on thousands of miles on a few multi-week self-sustained trips, has parked itself on the shores of...
  9. trikebubble

    OB Approved Overlanding/Camping with a dog

    Our dogs have been pretty much everywhere with us over the past number of years. We've taken them on a 6500 trek from home to Colorado (they came up Mineral Creek trail and Engineer Pass with us), we took the m on an 8500+km trip to Tuk and back last year (both got to dip their paws in the...
  10. trikebubble

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Thanks. I purchased them both used on local classifieds last month. I used to ride and race DH way back, and haven't ridden for years. A couple months ago my Wife said we should look into getting bikes..... so it didn't take me long to jump on the door opening.
  11. trikebubble

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Working on getting the new Thule bike rack attached to the spare wheel. I just need to fine tune it a little (since taking this picture I've now re-mounted the bike rack offset to the right a bit to snug the bike wheel in behind the camper) , but it looks like it will do the job for us. I wanted...
  12. trikebubble

    What boots do members wear

    I've been trying my hardest to follow the lead of the Aussie's (and my Wife) who wear flip-flops everywhere. I'll wear hiking boots when really necessary, but I sure love the old flip-flops. My Wife wore her flip-flops for our entire 3 week journey to Tuk and back last year. A number of years...
  13. trikebubble

    Overland Hound

    Last weekends camp spot. Ichabod approved.
  14. trikebubble

    Legal Weapons and Overlanding

    I also carry this pocket dragon in the bush. (He scared a bear away from us last month on Vancouver island and was pretty pleased with himself)
  15. trikebubble

    Legal Weapons and Overlanding

    I carry bear spray, an air horn, bear bangers, and the short shotgun where I can. I do have one of those short Turkish ETro ATA 8's. It hasa 16" barrel and a pistol grip. Fits in my Gunslinger backpack very well. I also have a Dominion Arms 12" barrel 12 gauge, with a full stock though. It's...
  16. trikebubble

    Alasaka Bound

    Oh, I remember those cinnamon buns.
  17. trikebubble

    The farthest you’ve ever been from...

    Drove to Tuk last July, that was a little ways from home. Probably the most remote we felt on that trip was traveling the South Canol Road. We saw only a couple vehicles (saw more porcupine than cars) on the entire 250-odd km route. Last month I spent two weeks roaming around Northern Vancouver...
  18. trikebubble

    Legal Weapons and Overlanding

    It would be nice to have the option up here to carry a Safe Queen when backpacking. I've tried to locate the shortest , most compact non-res shotgun I can for sticking in my backpack when hiking, but it's still heavier and more cumbersome than a handgun of course. It is what it is, I try to...
  19. trikebubble

    Last Minute Trip: Alpine Loop & Black Bear Pass

    Ha. There is. About 5 minutes up the road from where we camped. Middke of nowhere, pretty impressed we were.