In my honest opinion, don't worry about bringing 2 spares. Make sure you have new or close to new good E-rated tires wit ha matching spare, and a compressor and plug kit and you'll be just fine. We drove 8500+km from home to Tuk and back in July of 2018, and I carried 2 full spares and I'd never...
I consider this one epic in my own personal books. 69.456135, -133.036160
How to get there? Turn North, and drive until the road in Canada ends. Sadly, I do not believe you can actually camp exactly in our "epic" spot anymore. The influx of travelers has caused enough concern to establish...
Day trippin' around last weekend. Camper goes back on tomorrow to try to get some winter camping in. (And yes, she is sporting her skinny winter tires in all her glory)
I have a Hawk, in reality I can't see the roof holding a rtt with people in it at all.
And from the FWC website:
"When evenly distributed (think snow distributed across roof) the roof will hold up to 1,000lbs. When carrying luggage, coolers, kayaks, canoes, etc. on the roof we recommend keeping...
Been to both, I'd say the NWOR was better attended by both vendors and people (more "big name" overlander types attend the NWOR it seems, for what it's worth). It may not be a totally fair comparison as it poured rain throughout most of the BCOR at Whistler which seemed to keep people away...
I don't believe the Max version is available with the offset swing-away. Could be important if it is being used with a truck that has a tailgate you want to open.
I have the standard Hitchgate (offset) and it has proven itself to be 100% reliable and so far been worth every penny. My options for a swing-away bumper were limited (as in none) given the camper on my truck. My only other option would have been a full custom swing-away bumper. I have nothing...
Thanks, I appreciate that. It's taken awhile to get here, from Jeeps&ground tents, to Xterras&rooftoptents, to towing a travel trailer. I like where I am right now, it really works for us and is as self contained as we need with way more creature comforts than someone should have while out...
Si can't comment on the other options. I like the InReach Explorer. I bought it before we drove to Tuk last summer, I wanted a means of communication in the event of an emergency. I like that if I'm traveling solo out of cell range I can text my Wife to let her know I'm ok. I can also let people...
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