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  1. Winterpeg

    Food & Water

    It truly is a game changer for the longer trips...
  2. Winterpeg

    Get Over it!!! (Overland Humor :-)

    (in keeping with the spirit of good-natured banter... I'll defend the FJ above, lol) The FJ was high-centred on the snow ridge... not much to do when your tires aren't touching the ground. FJ's have a rear locker but no front locker. There is A-Trac (which is great) but a true front locker...
  3. Winterpeg

    Apple Maps: Overland Option

    Yep. It should work like an ignition over-ride they put on serial drunk drivers... they're asked a few key questions and then the car will either start or not. LOL. We would see a much slimmer population I think with the amount of people that would be walking instead of driving.
  4. Winterpeg

    Apple Maps: Overland Option :sweatsmile:
  5. Winterpeg

    Real-Time Chat Change

    I agree whole-heartedly with disabling guest chat ability. :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:
  6. Winterpeg

    Get Over it!!! (Overland Humor :-)

    I'll stop now.... lol.
  7. Winterpeg

    Get Over it!!! (Overland Humor :-)

    Just ignore the obvious Toyota bias ;)
  8. Winterpeg

    Summer is over.... leaves are falling.

    Summer is over.... leaves are falling.
  9. Winterpeg

    Worst stuck

    ^Ouch! Looks like your passenger side tires found a little hole at the wrong time...
  10. Winterpeg

    Not prepared v. Kinda prepared v. Prepared ??

    I only use the "less expensive recovery straps".... use proper recovery techniques so everyone is safe if/when things go wrong and/or break and you'll be fine. I've never been too offended to lend someone a piece of equipment. If it became a habit I'm sure I would tell them to get their own...
  11. Winterpeg

    Got Glympse?

    We use that all the time with BBM. It's a feature within BBM itself as well. When I'm out and about I share my location with my wife. I also share it with my family when we're on our way to visit them so they can see our progress and we don't get a text every hour asking us where we are, lol...
  12. Winterpeg

    Recent Forum Signature Change

    I also noticed our location is under our avatars now.... that's great! :sunglasses:
  13. Winterpeg

    Camp Site Tips and Tricks.

    I hear ya. I'm sure at some point my luck will run out but I'm still throwing those dice out there. At the end of the day if 1 or 2 things get stolen in all the years I spend out in the bush then that's a small price to pay I guess. My most expensive items are the tents and I don't see people...
  14. Winterpeg

    Toilet Time

    The last trip out we used 3 bags for 10 days... (2 adults and a 12 and a 10 yr old). Definitely take more bags than you think you will need though for a little pee-s of mind, lol. Just keep the lid on the toilet to keep out the flies. Admittedly we made the first bag stretch a bit longer than...
  15. Winterpeg

    Camp Site Tips and Tricks.

    Luckily I haven't had any issue with theft. I leave everything out and set up and only lock up guns and electronics in my FJ while I explore on the quads. So that means my extra gas cans, chainsaw, stoves, etc. etc. are all sitting out. Granted if anyone gets where I'm camping they are...
  16. Winterpeg

    Toilet Time

    I'm a number of hours WAAAY into the bush when we camp. We use the bag system. We have never had any issue with critters wanting to be anywhere near the privacy tent we have the toilet set up in. The privacy tent has a removable floor and would not be difficult for any type of critter to get...
  17. Winterpeg

    Krazy Beaver Super Shovel

    Whenever I've had to shovel the ground has been soft.... which is why I had to shovel, lol.... it was TOO soft. I can't honestly think of a time I used a shovel Overlanding (off-roading) when it was too hard to shovel with a basic $15 shovel. IMHO a longer handled shovel is more important...
  18. Winterpeg

    BFG KM2 in the snow?

    I'll second the recommendation for Duratracs with regards to snow performance.
  19. Winterpeg

    Why a trailer? Pros and cons

    I've seen that before.... but it can't get to the places I like to go to ;)
  20. Winterpeg

    Why a trailer? Pros and cons

    LOL.... yep. That's my first stop once I win the lottery, lol. Or maybe when I retire and sell all my worldly possessions (and THEN take out a loan as well!) I will buy that and travel the world, lol.