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  1. Longshot270

    rtt and a boat?

    Sounds like you need a trailer. I've got a truck that I sleep in and pull a kayak/gear trailer. The benefit is that I can set the fishing gear up near the water and park the expensive truck on higher ground. I have also found that if it is late and the combo gets stuck, I unhitch, dig the...
  2. Longshot270

    Best Treatment To Prevent Rust On Undercarriage?

    I've used a wire brush and some rust killer spray paint as a touch up to spots I find after fishing trips. But I always wash my vehicles after salt water fishing trips so I don't have that long contact rust issue. I'm also curious if anyone has ever tried a sacrificial anode, usually aluminum...
  3. Longshot270

    Adventure fishing...put your pic where your mouth tall tails here

    On a fly and fly rod I made Long eared sunfish On a little zebco 404 15 pound Common carp Penn 309 from the surf 30 pound Ling/cobia Penn 6/0 Heavy Atlantic stingray But I'm usually going for sharks as a volunteer for a sport fish research project to measure, tag and release. I like...
  4. Longshot270

    Copper Breaks State Park?

    I've never been to that one but it looks nice in the pictures. I'm my experience, the "less popular" are often the nicest ones. Gotta remember that "most people" want a place to park a 40 ft granite countertop, dual AC land ship so they can watch tv somewhere else. If you don't want to risk an...
  5. Longshot270

    Seminole Canyon

    I haven't been out there on years! That's a very interesting area.
  6. Longshot270

    Central TX Monthly meetings

    Won't be going to this one. I've got to keep the generators running and tunes blasting for a friend's wedding that day.
  7. Longshot270

    Best Pickup Truck Tent Method

    I went between the topper and tent with a prototype pvc frame and tarp. It was cheap, convenient, and worked very well for me. It should be nice when ambient temps aren't 90 degrees. I might go to a topper if I find a deal but for now this works.
  8. Longshot270

    Texas surf fishing trips

    This morning with sunset filters
  9. Longshot270

    Texas surf fishing trips

    72 degrees with a nice breeze and sunshine. If anyone wants to bring hot dogs or fajitas or something, I've got my propane grill.
  10. Longshot270

    Texas surf fishing trips

  11. Longshot270

    Tent frame for camping over tent-peg-proof substrate

    The last trip all I had were oyster shell and grass. [emoji1] In the pop up canopy tent, was it under the canopy or off to the side? How sturdy is it? Where I like going 10-15 mph wind is considered mild and have been out there more than a time or two when 30+ mph wind whipped through and...
  12. Longshot270

    Texas surf fishing trips

    Sounds good, I'll post up coordinates when I make camp.
  13. Longshot270

    Texas surf fishing trips

    Planning on going to Sargent, tx this weekend if anyone in interested.
  14. Longshot270

    Tent frame for camping over tent-peg-proof substrate

    On my little green tent, I had planned on building an internal frame but the project kept getting put off. When I forgot the pegs I improvised with a pop up canopy. On the truck canopy I kept the exterior pvc so it is less likely to scratch up my truck and fishing rods or rust from the...
  15. Longshot270

    Let's see those full size rigs - Trucks & SUV

    Traded my little jeep patriot for something more useful. I also found that my cot fits perfectly in the truck bed so camp sites just got a whole lot easier. I wanted the diesel option but it wouldn't fit in my price range. That said, no complaints about a 5.7 hemi. It also uses the same fuel as...
  16. Longshot270

    Tent frame for camping over tent-peg-proof substrate

    Yeah, my big tent is free standing but the little $20 throw away tent has ended up being more durable than any other one I've owned. I changed my plans and built a pvc truck bed cover that I can throw a tarp over and tie a cot sized mosquito cover in. No more worrying about finding a smooth...
  17. Longshot270

    Road Shower vs. Waterport vs. ?

    An old compressor tank might start rusting and giving you some orange water. They don't paint the inside like they do household bladder tanks. For small water demands, I found a pump sprayer intended for chlorine disinfectants works well for shower and washing off. It is only a gallon so it is...
  18. Longshot270

    Tent frame for camping over tent-peg-proof substrate

    On my last camping trip I found out that when you forget the heavy duty galvanized 10 inch nails at home, setting up camp gets tricky if the site is harder ground than your pegs... so it got me thinking. Can you build a frame slightly larger than the footprint of a tent with hooks on it for...