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  1. 64Trvlr

    Vehicle maintenance - Inspection and Tools

    I though I was the only one that used one of these, every time I get mine out to use it someone always says "what the hell is that"?
  2. 64Trvlr

    How to use a Hi-Lift Jack

    I've been using Hi-Lift jack for over 50 years and one thing I have learned for certain is that you need to pay your undivided attention to them while you're using them. Otherwise they will, best case damage your rig, worst case hurt or kill you or someone helping you. My advice is to take time...
  3. 64Trvlr

    PSA for those who may not know...Tow balls are NOT recovery points!

    My Willys had no tow points originally so when I built bumpers for it I added them. My bumpers are 2X6 1/4" tubing, I slotted the tube where the D rings would be welded on and slid in a piece of 3/8"plate and welded it in the tube, my D rings are in line with the frame rails and welded. Here's...
  4. 64Trvlr

    Winch Security

    After I built my bumper, winch plate and bolted my winch in I tack welded one of the nuts and bolts. It would take a torch to get it out now.
  5. 64Trvlr

    Winch Roll Call!

    Since I started driving I've had a couple dozen winches over the years. I'm down to 2 right now, a Warn XD-9000I on my Willys and a Warn M-6000 on my car trailer, I've use the hell out of both of them and other than replacing cables as they wear they've been trouble free. I like the fact the...
  6. 64Trvlr

    CB radio mounting location?

    I made an overhead console to put reading/map lights, switches and radios in my Willys. The blank spot on the right is where my FT-2900 2 meter Yeasu ham radio is now. Sorry for the poor photo, I'm trying to figure out how to glue/attach some insulation to the roof.
  7. 64Trvlr

    On board air or portable tank

    I've had a 80cuft nitrogen bottle with a Victor high pressure regulator (200 PSI) in my Willys since I started building it in the early 90's. The small quality compressors were very expensive then and I used what I had and it's works great for almost 30 years now. I like nitrogen over CO2...
  8. 64Trvlr

    Ham HF mobile users

    Right now I have a Yaesu FT-2900 in my Willys. I have a Yaesu FT-857D at home and have been thinking about running it in my Willys too. I have space to put it but am unsure about what to do for an antenna.
  9. 64Trvlr

    HAM Radio Call Sign Check-In Thread

    KK7NAZ checking in I've got a Yaesu FT2900 in my Willys and my van, a Yeasu FT-857D in the shack and 2 Yaesu (notice a pattern?) VX-7s for walking around.
  10. 64Trvlr

    Odd Ball rigs. Who else has an outside of the norm rig?

    I have a 64 Willys Traveler I use to spend time off road, I've been working on and improving it for 25 years now. Willys didn't make very many of them so I guess it's an odd ball vehicle.
  11. 64Trvlr

    US West Ham Radio Weekly NET

    Hi I've been a Ham now for about a year and a half but have no idea how to use echolink. I'm going to have t ask some guys in my Ham Club how to do that. Then maybe I can check in with you guys some Friday. KK7NAZ
  12. 64Trvlr


    Hi another FNG here. I've got a 64 Willys Traveler that I've modified over the years to spend more time off road and camp with.