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  1. Smileyshaun

    Wife is suggesting ....

    ...... but ...... what does she want for herself in return?
  2. Smileyshaun

    Toyota owners, I need your help!

    I would consider KW block seal if it’s just a very very minute head gasket leak. It’s a bit of a pain in the process to use it with having to fill it flush it fill it run it flush it fill it again but if it bought you another hundred thousand miles I would say is well worth the time
  3. Smileyshaun

    Dumbest thing you've done while working on your vehicle...

    Lots of dumb little things over the years but the worst one was I had set a battery on the ground front of the tire And was under the rig welding something and a spark found its way over to the battery , boom!!!! Sounded like a bomb went off . shot chunks of the battery into the ceiling ...
  4. Smileyshaun

    Tire size opinions wanted

    Weird I’ve had the exact opposite experience with tires the larger tire the better it rides due to having more rubber between the ground and the rim to compress. I guess tires are a lot like pizza nobody’s going to agree On what is the best toppings in how many to put on
  5. Smileyshaun

    Tire size opinions wanted

    Where I posted that tire chart ?
  6. Smileyshaun

    Tire size opinions wanted

    One thing I do find a little funny is there is a lot of people saying you shouldn’t go outside the manufacturer tire spec size because it will ruin the vehicle in every way but then those same people have no problem going wayyyy over the manufacturer’s gvrw With gear and add-ons .
  7. Smileyshaun

    Tire size opinions wanted

    But look at the actual manufacturer size listings. in a 315/75r16 the width could vary from as skinny as 11.9 all the way to 12.8 . That’s why you will see one rig able to fit a tire with no rubbing and another tries the same size but another manufacturer and it rubs like crazy . There is also...
  8. Smileyshaun

    Finishing the build

    HA !!!! ....... “finished” rigggghhhttttt are they ever finished
  9. Smileyshaun

    Tire size opinions wanted

    Head to - Compare Tire Sizes, Specs, Prices & more you can find the actual size and weight of a lot of tires there to compare. You will be surprised how much difference there is in tires of the same size from different manufacturers.
  10. Smileyshaun

    Tire size opinions wanted

    Here in the pnw you will still run into snow in March and April so you should take that into account with what tire you select . Nvm misread your post lol
  11. Smileyshaun

    Clearing Deadfall on the trail?

    Big word of warning , if you don’t have experience with running saws and strapping things properly take some classes or at the least do some research. People do die or become seriously injured from saws bucking , straps slipping off or breaking and sending hardwear flying . If your in doubt of...
  12. Smileyshaun

    Minimum Ground Clearance?

    I don’t hate on subies and have owned a few myself but adding weight to them quickly eats up mpgs both in the rig and tire and wheel weight .
  13. Smileyshaun

    Minimum Ground Clearance?

    One thing you will find with a subi is if you fill it with gear put on a little more tire and lift your mpgs will tank and you will still be less capable than a stock 4th gen 4 runner .
  14. Smileyshaun

    The most spectacular picture you've ever taken...

    By far my favorite pic , down at Seattle’s pike market while everyone else was hiding from the rain my daughter was having a blast just jumping with her umbrella .
  15. Smileyshaun

    2010 Subaru Forester (Turbo) Overland Build Thread

    I loved following fozromers build over the years , good to see it still being put to use .
  16. Smileyshaun

    Question about engines

    Of corse a 4.2 in a cj5 felt like a v8 they where all stump geared and weigh nothing
  17. Smileyshaun

    Question about engines

    As much fun as motor swaps are here’s a good rule of thumb . Sit down and figure out what it’s going to cost and how long it should take .... now double your budget and triple the time and you will be close to reality . You can get held up for a couple days just trying to track down a bolt ...
  18. Smileyshaun

    US Northwest June 2020 WABDR - Washington Backcountry Discovery Route

    I know a lot of people that Offroad tend to never wash their vehicles but putting on a good coat of wax a couple times a year will dramatically lower the amount of pinstripes you get in the long run .
  19. Smileyshaun

    Anyone using a small microwave when car camping

    Every woman is different but If it’s rainy and miserable put up a quick shade with walls and hand her a hot toddy and watch the rain roll through If it’s hot chilled white wine or a margarita Sunset a good glass of red wine , Some good chocolate and a crackling fire to match the glowing...