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  1. Buffalo Overland


    Hey. I'm Trent. From Arkansas, US "The Natural State"! Im a US Army veteran and work for the city doing networking and communication for traffic systems. So going outdoors is big for me. Have had a few 4x4 rigs. Currently building an SF5 '01 Subaru Forrester for light to medium trails. Mostly...
  2. Buffalo Overland

    Show me a Road Sign.....really any sign...

    My favorite is in my town. They have duck crossing signs. I'll try to snag a pic.
  3. Buffalo Overland

    Post your favorite pic from the trail

    I have family in Baja. So it's definitely on my list to make it out there for a trip.
  4. Buffalo Overland

    Post your favorite pic from the trail

    This is my favorite pic I've taken during a trip. It's somewhere in the middle of the Ozark National Forest in Northwest Arkansas. Taken with a Nikon D3100 and edited on LR. What's your favorite pic you've taken on the trail.