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  1. L

    Use of AI in Overlanding

    I think that chatgpt might not have up-to-date information. At least in the free version, it seems the last update was in 2022 or 2021. This means it might send you to a place that is currently unavailable. So, I prefer to double-check on the same forums
  2. L

    Dehydrated Meals

    My favorites are bell peppers, mushrooms, and dried meat. I usually dry beef in various dried meat forms, but I honestly prefer the basic ground beef mixture, which involves lightly browning the beef to remove fat and then mixing it with flour. I’ve never tried drying potatoes, partly because...
  3. L

    Trans American trail

    That’s exactly right. Even with people I knew well, when we traveled in a big group, there were often a lot of disagreements. Everyone has their own preferences. By the end I swore off traveling with groups