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  • Recovery from prostrate removal b/c of cancer is slow going, hoping numbers come back clean on the 24th of March, So I can get out to exploring all God has created for us.
    As a a wise man said (EFRT) “ you can always make more money but you can’t make more time.
    Only one life, live for Christ. Hoping they got it all. May God continue to meet all your needs in this difficult time. Read the book of psalms for sporitual encouragement and thank
    Wish you a speedy recovery and all the best!
    Silver Rover
    Silver Rover
    Will add you to our prayer list asking the lord to guide the hands of your caregivers and your recovery and strengthen your family.
    So new to OLB, doesn’t seem user friendly at this point, but I’m sure I get better, can’t wait to get out and get connected with the world most do not get to see,
    There’s a bit of a learning curve with the platform, however once you’ve been here a while it mostly makes sense.
    Uniquely Us Adventures
    Uniquely Us Adventures
    Agreed, there is a learning curve, but give it time and remember that there is a question and answer area. People are very willing to help and give guidance..
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