Recent content by Uphillshunter

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  1. Uphillshunter

    Has anyone checked out OnX Offroad yet?

    So far, from what I've seen. Gaia is better for driving. But once you get out and start hiking OnX Hunt is 1000% better than Gaia. It's easier to use and does have more info than Gaia does. At least more info that I can find. Sure Gaia has hunt zones (now, they didn't have them till relatively...
  2. Uphillshunter

    Has anyone checked out OnX Offroad yet?

    Thanks for the input. I already have Gaia... and I like it's functions, ease of sharing etc. I use OnX Hunt for hunting snd it has really worked well for that. I'm noticing OnX Offroad doesn't have nearly as many options or features as their Hunt app does.
  3. Uphillshunter

    Has anyone checked out OnX Offroad yet?

    OnX just released OnX Offroad not too long ago. Wondering if anyone has had a chance to check it out yet. I have been using the OnX Hunt app for a few years. It is hands down the best hunting navigation app. If OnX Offroad is even half as good, I wont be disappointed in paying the yearly...
  4. Uphillshunter

    What part of northern Cali are you from?

    Hughson - little po-dunk town in the middle of the State, in the middle of a bunch of Almond Orchards
  5. Uphillshunter


    Hey everyone... Just another newb to OB. 2002 Tacoma Double Cab Prerunner (until she goes under the knife to grow up and become a 4x4... Soon)
  6. Uphillshunter

    US West Central California Monthly Meet Up

    Great meeting some new people yesterday. Looking forward to the next meet up.